Turbo Jam Vs. ChaLEAN Extreme

Turbo Jam Vs. ChaLEAN Extreme

Turbo Jam Vs. ChaLEAN Extreme

Chalene Johnsons newest offering to the world of at home fitness videos is ChaLEAN Extreme, published by Beachbody. Made famous by the Turbo series of workouts, this new program is as different from Turbo Jam as Turbo Jam was new and revolutionary. Turbo Jam is primarily a cardio workout. Filled with fun movements and great music, Chalene keeps things moving in a fast paced cardio workout that has an emphasis on sculpting and core training. Her less intense persona is great for those who perhaps are just beginners, and who dont want to feel like some television fitness guru is yelling at them to do more and do it harder. In addition, Turbo Jam has plenty of cardio options and is a flexible program that is easily modified for any level of fitness. On the other hand, the movements are all fairly similar and can easily lead to boredom. That the choreography is fairly simple and easy to learn is both a boon and a detriment as it can also add to boredom if youre not constantly challenged to master the movements. In comparison, ChaLEAN Extreme focuses more on strength training and sculpting through resistance training. Using a tried and true technique of low repetitions with heavier weights, Chalene guides you through a rotation that includes an interval workout as well as a cardio workout. The workouts are great for those pressed for time - they are short and effective. Chalene is motivating and makes the workouts fun while constantly pushing you to maximize your movements in order to achieve greater results. The ChaLEAN Extreme program is more of a total body workout, as no muscle group is left out of the workout rotation. ChaLEAN Extreme is definitely a more intense workout which encompasses a multi-month schedule so more of a commitment is required. Unlike Turbo Jam, it is very likely that the user will need to purchase additional or at least heavier, weights. It is a less flexible program and may pose more of a challenge to the beginner. Chalene includes a variety of innovative movements and exercises that are designed to keep you challenged and more importantly, keep working those muscles in order to burn more fat. Turbo Jam and ChaLEAN Extreme are both quality offerings from Beachbody, and either one of them is great for the perhaps less intense individual who is interested in working out and getting in shape but isnt quite ready for some of the high intensity programs also offered by Beachbody. Tiffany Brunskole is a writer for Surfer Body Fitness, an Online retailer who specializes in workout products from Beachbody such as ChaLEAN Extreme. Get your child on the pathway to good health at Surfer Body Fitness