Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith Went Form Selling Drugs To Finding God and His Wife Using The Secret
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith Went Form Selling Drugs To Finding God and His Wife Using The Secret

Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith Went Form Selling Drugs To Finding God and His Wife Using The Secret

When I first decided to take on the challenge of bringing the 26 people interviewed in the hit movie "The Secret" further into the light so that readers could get a glimpse of who they are in person...little did I realize the number of its participants who had been in Dire Straights or had made the kind of life choices that should have resulted in prison sentences or worse yet -death! Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith D.D. was no exception. During his recent appearance on Oprah Winfreys show he spoke very openly about how finding The Secret" for himself in his faith and belief in God saved him and took him away from the crooked path he had embarked upon. Before he came to that realization however, he sold Marijuana and before he stopped dealing the substance he had expanded his illegal empire into several States which included New York, Atlanta, Nashville, and Los Angeles! He claimed on Oprah that it was a dream that turned everything in his life around. That dream woke him up and changed the way he saw the world.

Since his great awakening in mind and spirit he has gone from Drug Dealer to Spiritual Healer. He is seen in the movie on a constant basis -through out its entire run in fact and the more research I put into examining his life the more I understood who he is and from what he came. Some of the remarkable guests on "The Secret" appear only a handful of times. I now see the reason he and his concepts commanded so much attention and air time in that documentary. He speaks from the heart the soul and the mind. His soft-spoken manner only lends more to his captivating presence and he knows first hand what it takes to not only turn your life around -he knows as well the ultimate reward in doing so.

I think there is also a very subtle message that many people miss because its not openly or out right discussed in the movie. I think the missing piece in life embracing that which is longed for in the heart is conscience. Regardless of our beliefs -or lack there of -we have an obligation as human beings to reach the heights of our goals and dreams without ever harming another living creature in order to do so! Consciousness mandates we honor a certain type of code in how we not only treat ourselves -but how we treat others as well!

It is always vital that we give more than what we take. Using "The Secret" as an example of what I mean: The book The Science of Getting Rich is said to have been the inspiration behind the movie. That very same book states -and I quote "You cannot give everyone more in cash value than you take from them but you can give them more in USE value than the cash value of the thing you take from them!" I believe it is Consciousness that lead Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith D.D. to turn his life. It lead the creator to the movie he is a part of to "Uncover the great secret" and further still it was Consciousness that lead her to ask "Why doesnt anyone know this?" as well.

Letting his conscience be his guide, Rev. Beckwith turned the odds that had once been stacked against him in his favor. "The end result?" you might ask, well Im quite happy to inform you he is the Founder and Spiritual Leader of his own church -The Agape International Spiritual Center located in Culver City, California. He met and married his wife Dr. Rickie Byars-Beckwith when initially -sight unseen he first fell in love with her amazing vocal talent. A mutual friend of the two shared a tape with Michael that moved him to ask for her number. Although it took a bit of persuading, he eventually convinced her to sing as a "Performer" -not a church affiliate.

For the churchs annual Christmas Presentation she again agreed to participate and that event moved her to become an official member of what is normally comprised of 160 talented vocal powerhouses singing songs of praise and love. Often, Rev. Beckwith and his beloved wife Rickey write the material sung by the very same choir that she still remains a part of to this very day that initially brought the two together in the first place! So if you have your own song to sing, maybe this will serve as a motivational piece you can reference to whenever in doubt. I would consider that a great honor!